When Can You Double Down In Blackjack

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Blackjack seems to be one of the easiest games among all those provided in the casinos. However, this is not quite the case. When you start thinking about this game deeper, you find that there are many tricky spots. One of those relates to the use of special moves available to players. In this article, we are going to provide you with a complete guide on how and when to use (or not to use) the double down move.

  1. When Can You Double Down In Blackjack No Deposit
  2. When Can You Double Down In Blackjack Machine
  3. What Does Double Down Mean In Slang

In a case when you have a total hand of 9, double down when the dealer has a card between 2 and 6. Use the blackjack double down on any of the dealer's card below seven except ACE. This rule only applies to when you have a hard 9, meaning you don't have an ACE at hand. If you prefer single-deck blackjack, the conditions under which you want to double down are pretty specific. For example, holding a total of 9 against a dealer's 2 through 6 is an ideal game state to double down.


What Is Double Down in Blackjack?

There are several options you have in blackjack that allow you to make winning moves during the game. There is also a move that relates to increasing the stakes. One such option is double down.

Double down is a move where the player decides to double his bet and takes one more card. The important thing about this move is that you won't be able to take a second card further into this match.

Due to the essence of this move, it should only be used, when you feel more confident about your chances of winning in the current match than usual. There are basic principles that we recommend being adhered to by all players who want to use this move. There are also advanced principles if you want to use more comprehensive strategies and get a deeper insight into the game.

In the beginning, it will be useful to start with the basic rules that explain the positive and negative conditions for the double down move.

When to Double Down in Blackjack: Rules

Before you read these rules, consider the fact that any land casino or online casino you play in can have specific limitations on doubling. Get acquainted with the restrictions on the corresponding page before starting the match.

  1. Generally, having 9-11is almost always a good position for doubling down. Double down on hard 11 if the dealer's card is 2-8, on hard 10 in case the dealer has 2-9, and on hard 9 when the dealer has 3-6.
  2. In case you get an Ace and another card is 7 or less, it is necessary to be attentive to the dealer's up card. If your second card is as high as 7, you have more options to double down – do it on the dealer's face cards 2-6. For Ace and 6 it's dealer's 3-6. For Ace and 4,5, it's dealer's 4,5,6. And last, for Ace 2,3 double down only if the dealer got 5,6.
  3. In some casinos, when doubling down, you can place a bet less than the initial one instead of doubling it. It is better to avoid that, even if you are a cautious player. The thing is that with good initial cards like in the points above, you have the highest chance t0 win. Thus, decreasing the stake would be a loss for you.

When Not to Double Down in Blackjack

Along with the positive scenarios for doubling down, there are negatives as well. These are the basic initial card you shouldn't double down with:

  1. Although 11 hard is one of the best hand for doubling down, that doesn't mean you should use this move constantly. There are high chances the dealer will have a better position if the upcard is more than 8. That means that your opponent is likely to get a good combination initially.
  2. Ace on the dealer's side means you shouldn't double down at all. Even if you have positive 11 hard or an Ace as well. Consider that the dealer won't be limited by one card to add if you double down, so it's better not to take a risk.
  3. No doubling down should be done for the initial hand with the hard sum exceeding 11. Even if you have hard 12 only, this one point decreases your chances of winning with one additional card only dramatically. The reason 11 is the border sum for doubling is the fact that with 11, there is no chance of getting more than 21 points. On the other hand, with hard 12, you can get 10, Jack, Queen, or King. As you can see, there is too much risk for doubling in this case.

Doubling Down in Blackjack: Charts

There can be many tricky situations when you need to make a choice among the strategies available. Double down might be the best choice, though it the right move, might not be obvious. To get a better understanding of the rules listed above, consider the situations you might face when playing blackjack.

Your Hand: 6-3

Dealer: 5

At first, you should count your total that makes 9. Consider that it is a hard nine, which means you do not have an Ace in your hand. This is a very important detail that should have a great impact on your decision.

In the meantime, the dealer has 5. Due to the mathematical calculations, in case the dealer has 3-6, you have the highest chances to get better results if doubling down. Thus, your best option would be to make this move and likely to enjoy your winnings.

Your Hand: Ace and 7

Dealer: 5

With your Ace, the hand becomes soft. Here you can get either 8 or 18. This provides you with a wide range of positive combinations, as you can appoint the value of Ace for your benefit.

If the next card is 3 or less, you will get a Blackjack and triple your winnings. And you also can get something like 9-10 (or equal) or even another Ace.

Now, we come to the dealer's upcard, which is 5. As we can derive from mathematical calculations, the highest chances for you to win with such a hand occur in the case where the dealer's upcard is 2-6. Thus, in this scenario, choosing to double down would be a good option.

Your Hand: 5,6

Dealer: Ace

You get the 11 hard cap – a very good combination that is the most desired for the initial hand. This is one of the best combinations for doubling down, and you may already be ready to make this move. However, let's not forget about the dealer's up card.

We see that it is an Ace. Ace means 1 or eleven, and we do not really know what other cards there is. Maybe, the best option for you would be to surrender; in any case, you should definitely avoid using the double down strategy here. Considering the flexibility of combinations available for the dealer, your chances to win drop dramatically.

This situation can seem really controversial, though. You get hard 11, the dealer gets an Ace, so why not take a risk? That's what many novice players do, and practice shows that it is usually a mistake. Do not forget that if an Ace is good for you when doubling down, it is even better for the dealer, as he has more options with several hits available.

When to Double Down in Blackjack Sheet


Take a look at these tables to help you remember the best soft hands to double down.

If the card total value in your soft hand is 13 or lower, doubling down would be a good idea.

However, considering the fact double down can be just another move in your strategy, you may want to know the profit for 1 dollar bet per match. Based on the statistical analysis we have managed to calculate the profit where possible.

In the table below you can see a profit per one dollar (if 20, then it means 20 cents).

Doubling down FAQ

As you can see, the best combinations for double down are concentrated when you get hard 10 or 11. These are the most profitable to double down. How can you use this table? The thing is there are other moves available – Surrender, Hit, and Stand, which you can use. Thus, it may be better to use another one, rather than double down. Use this table to make a choice among these moves based on statistical profits.

Can You Double Down After Hitting?

No, you can't. Double down is only available after you get 2 initial cards. Hitting means that you have taken the third card, and thus doubling is not allowed. You also cannot hit after you double down as conditions for this move consider taking one card only.

Can You Split And Double Down?

Usually, you can. However, some casinos impose restrictions on doubling down after splitting. Restrictions can be imposed to double down if you got Aces or in other cases. Read the terms on the corresponding page of the casino for clarification on this issue.

Should You Always Double Down on 11?

No, you shouldn't. It will be a bad strategy if the dealer has an Ace or more than an 8 upcard. In such a case, the dealer has greater chances to hit a better combination than you. In all other cases for 11 doubling down is acceptable.

How to signal a double down?

Signaling when doubling down: place the additional wager close to the initial bet and point your finger on the chips (not applicable to your favorite live casino blackjack games).

Place the additional bet near the initial one and point your finger on the chips to make sure the dealer has noticed. Note that in some casinos, you are allowed to bet less than 100% of your initial bet when doubling down. Though, many bettors have figured out that it is not the best strategy for this move.

Other Blackjack Strategies

Double down is not the only strategy you can use in Blackjack. A variety of strategies is something that makes this game so engaging. An ability to define the best moment for the specified strategy can bring you to profitable gambling.


Split is all about dividing your initial hand into two separate hands. When you get your first two cards, it is possible to split them into two hands, that are treated separately afterward. That means that for each hand, you place the same bet. If used right, this strategy can increase your winnings dramatically.

Hit & Stand

Hit means that you take another card from the deck. That card is added to your hand, and the sum is calculated then. There are no limitations to the number of cards you can take until the sum exceeds or makes 21. Stand means that you are done with taking additional cards and that the dealer can make his move. This option is chosen when you feel you have rested on the best combination possible.


Surrender is a strategy that allows you to give up losing only half of your bet. This strategy can be used when you see that the dealer's hand is much better than yours. Thus, if you feel that the chances to win are low, it can be the best option to choose from.


Correct usage of double down won't increase your chances to win, and still, it can increase your winnings. Moreover, combining double down with split can bring a cumulative positive effect. The only thing you need to consider – different casinos can have different rules and restrictions when it comes to double down.

Want to use this strategy straight away? Make sure to play online Blackjack games on CasinoChan to practice the charts above and win!

When Can You Double Down In Blackjack No Deposit

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'Doubling down for less' is an unusual move at the blackjack table, and it's usually a mistake. But since most people never do it, it's a mistake most players never make. This post looks at how doubling down for less works in a game of blackjack and whether it's a good time.

An Example of Doubling Down for Less

Suppose you're betting $100 per hand at the blackjack table, and you get dealt a hard 11 total. Most blackjack players familiar with basic strategy know that the correct move in this situation is to double down.

To double down, you put up more money (the same amount you bet initially) and agree to take only one hit. In this case, if you bet $100, you would put up another $100 and tell the dealer you're doubling down.

But let's suppose that the dealer has a 10 showing as her face-up card, and you're nervous about how good the dealer's hand might be. You might decide to 'double down for less' by putting up $20 or $50 instead of the full $100.

When Can You Double Down In Blackjack Machine

You're still agreeing to take one, and exactly one, additional card. You're also still getting more money into action. Most blackjack players I know don't even know that this is an option. In fact, I didn't know about it until I read an article online.

I've personally never seen anyone do this. But it's something you can do. Unfortunately, doubling down for less is also the wrong move to make, and the math behind why isn't as complicated as you might think.

Why the Math Makes Doubling Down for Less the Wrong Move

You basically have three realistic decisions in the example situation.

  1. You can hit the total of 11.
  2. You can double down on the total of 11.
  3. You can double down for less on the total of 11.

Coin operated slot machines for sale. Theoretically, you COULD stand on a hard total of 11, but that's obviously the wrong play. There's no downside to getting another card. It's impossible to bust a total of 11 by taking another card, so it's ALL upside.

What Happens If You Just Hit the 11?

You'll win 56% of the time. This means that your expected value here is excellent. If you win 56 times for every 44 losses, you'll see a profit of $1200 (on average) over 100 hands. You have 56 wins of $100 each compared to 44 losses of $100 each. That's an average win per hand of $12.

What Happens If You Double Down on the 11?

You'll still win most of the time, but the win ratio will drop to 54% because of the extra card. But this time, you'll have $200 in action on each hand instead of $100 in action on each hand.

54 wins at $200 per win is $10,800. 46 losses at $200 per loss is $9200. Your profit over those 100 hands is $1600 instead of $1200. Even though you're losing slightly more often, your net profit over 100 hands is significantly higher. You're winning an average of $16 per hand instead of $12 per hand.

What Happens If You Double Down for Less on the 11?

Your win ratio will be the same, because you're still taking just one card, 54%. But now, you have less money in action. Let's assume you double down for less by putting up $50. Now, over 100 hands, you're looking at 54 X $150 in winnings, or $8100.

You're also looking at 46 X $150 in losses, or $6900. That's $1200 in net profits, which is the same profit you'd show if you just took a hit. But $50 isn't the only amount you could change your bet by.

You could go lower, to $25, or higher, like $75. Would either of those be more optimal? With a $125 bet on the table, you're looking at 54 X $125, or $6750, in winnings versus 46 X $125, or $5750, in losses.

Your net win is $1000, or $10 per hand, which means that doubling down for less with an extra bet of $25 provides you with an even lower expectation than just hitting.

What about with a bet of $75? Now, you're looking at 54 X $175, or $9450, in winnings, and 46 X $175, or $8050, in losses. Your net win is $1400, which is better than what you'd see if you bet $150, but still not as good as if you'd actually doubled down where your net win was $1600.

Any of these can be divided by the 100 hands to get an average win per hand:

  • Just hitting is an average win of $12 per hand.
  • Doubling down is an average win of $16 per hand.
  • Doubling down for less is an average win of less than $16. The less you double down for, the lower the expected win.

The Moral of This Blackjack Story

The more of this blackjack story is similar to the moral of most blackjack stories: You should always stick with basic strategy. The basic strategy for blackjack is the mathematically optimal way of playing those hands. When you deviate from basic strategy, you might be okay in the short term. But in the long run, deviating from basic strategy does one of two things every time.

  1. It increases the amount you'll lose over time when playing a specific hand a specific way.
  2. It decreases the amount you'll win over time when playing a specific hand a specific way.
The ONLY time you should deviate from basic strategy is when you're counting cards.

Card counting is beyond the scope of this post, except as it relates to the doubling down for less move. But I can tell you this. You would never double down for less no matter what the count was.

I did see someone ask if it would make sense to double down for less if you don't have enough of a bankroll to double down. For example, what if you're playing for $100 on that hand, but you only have $50 left on the table besides that?

In that case, then yes, doubling down for less WOULD be the appropriate move. But I'd also suggest that if you only have $150 on the table, you shouldn't bet $100 of it on a single hand of blackjack. You'd be better off betting $10 per hand so that you could make the correct basic strategy decisions.


What Does Double Down Mean In Slang

Deciding whether doubling down for less in blackjack is a good move is a great example of how the math behind basic strategy works. Once you know the percentage of times you'll win with a certain move, and the percentage of times you'll lose with a certain move, you can just do some quick multiplication and division to come up with an average profit or loss per hand.

Did you even know that doubling down for less was an option? Casinos with slot machines near me. Have you ever tried it? I'd love to read your comments below.

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